Behavioral Health Care in Geriatric Facilities

Rolling Hills Behavioral Health Services provides high quality behavioral health care to geriatric residents living in skilled nursing, long-term care and assisted living facilities. Since our start in 2004, we have developed an outstanding reputation that has allowed significant growth into many facilities in Austin and surrounding areas. 

We have excellent relationships with primary care physicians, psychiatrists, facility administration, nursing staff, rehabilitation therapy and social services. Our clinicians integrate mental health services into the overall plan of care for each resident, to develop individualized, outcome-oriented treatment plans.

Rolling Hills providers include psychologists, neuropsychologists, clinical social workers and master’s level counselors, with extensive training and experience in geropsychology, behavior management and health/rehabilitation psychology. The services we provide improve quality of life for the residents we see, and also are beneficial to facility staff. 

We do not have an outpatient office. Our services are provided only in senior care facilities.